Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas In Utah

We had so much fun this year with Elisa! She hated santa as you can tell from the picture which really suprised me! On Christmas morning she opened her first present and that was all she was interusted in for the rest of the morning! While we were there we also got in some sledding at Solder Hollow which was so much fun!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Begining to look alot like Christmas

This morning we finally woke up to snow I mean even vegas has got snow and we still had none! So I finally feel like it is christmas time! I love the snow and can't wait to let Elisa play in it!

Also I just had to take a picture of Elisa in her cute Christmas Dress! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Lights!

Today we got to hand Christmas Lights for the First time on our new house!! Brody and I were both excited with how they turned out and are very greatful for my parents who passed them down to us along with three Deer!

Elisa Just had to help so I bundled her up and out we went to help dad she had alot of fun running around and she was very entertained by the deer she just kept touching them!

Here is brody Trying to fix a strand that didn't work we forgot to check them before we got them all hung!

When we came inside Elisa was cold so Brody decided to wrap her up like a burrito in a blanket. She thought is was so funny!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving and lots of other stuff!

This past two weeks almost feels like a blur. Elisa and I have been at my parents house for the last week and a half with my grandpas funeral and thanksgiving so close together I decided to stay. My sister and her three girls also stayed. while we were there elisa threw up 3 times cut 3 teeth and learned that clapping it her new favorite thing! Thanksgiving was a fun and we had lots of yummy food. Some of the Highlights of the last weekend were:

Me Beating my brother in law at monopoly (no one ever beats him).

Waking up really early and shopping Friday morning Yes we might be crazy but is fun just to go watch all the crazy people!

We watched santa turn on the lights on the square. That is always a big event for the Rupert people!

Thanksgiving means it is time to set up your christmas tree. Mine is up and actually looks pretty good!