Some funny things about Elisa.
She loves Pizza in fact if we drive past the pizza place here in town she is sure to let me know she wants some.
She loves Curios george and Elmo and wants to watch them over and over again
She loves to say the word Taco and I don't know why
She loves her Grandmas I think more than she loves me when they are around she will follow them anywhere
We love Elisa she brings so much happiness into are lives I can't imagine my life without her. I wouldn't change her for the world.
Happy Birthday, Elisa! You forgot to mention all her sweet dance moves! Good luck on life with a two year old, it's quite the adventure as I'm sure you're finding out :)
Isn't it just amazing how fast they change and grow?? She's such a cutie! Happy Birthday Elisa!!
PS - I had to laugh because Jackobi ADORES Curious George and Elmo too! :)
2 Already?! Gosh it does go fast. I love the picture of her though. So cute! Ashlyn will be 2 in Feb and we love Elmo around here too. Happy Birthday Elisa!
You guys make one adorable baby! I love that she likes to say taco. That makes me laugh. Love you. Aren't you coming out for Thanksgiving? When? I have no plans whatsoever so I'm excited to see you!
Happy Birthday Elisa!! Alainey is so excited to have a friend like you! She can't wait to play with you in your new kitchen!
Her baby picture is soooo cute. I love her personality and I think that to live in the world today that is just what you want in a child. (I Have to keep telling myself that anyway!!!) Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Elisa. We wish we could have been there with you. I love the picutre of her when she was little. I will be sure to have pizza with you when you come to visit next week. We are soooooooooooo excited!
Cute girl! Looks like we have exciting times ahead of us!
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