Sunday, September 26, 2010

Womens Celebration 5K

For the Second year in a row I have done this 5k Last year was fun I walked it with a bunch of girls and we had a great time. This year after I had Kennedy my friend Holly and I decided that we wanted to Run it so we have been training for it. As it got closer I told myself there was no way I could run it, But I did in about 43 minuted which I still can't believe. Are friend Britten also ran it maybe next year We can beat are times!


Holly said...

YEAH BABY! We did AWESOME, I can't wait until we do another one and we actually know from the start that we are going to run the whole way!

Amber said...

Congrats! That is something to be proud of!! You go girl! You are in a lot better shape then I am that is for sure!

Hagberg Fam said...

Good job!! Next step is a marathon.