This weekend Brody and I went to my parents house in Rupert. Brody had a three day weekend so we decided it would be a good weekend to go. Elisa had so much fun just exploring there house and she loved following my mom and dad everywhere. I think she was sad to come home. While we were there it snowed alot in fact when all was said and done I think it snowed over 18 inches. It was crazy it is only october for heaven sake. My dad was suppose to help a farmer out this week digging beets but I don't think that will happen! Brody and my dad built me a really cool shelf to hang in my kitchen I am so excited about it. when I have it painted and hung I will take a picture!
You picked an 'eventful' weekend to come home! How'd Elisa like it?? Jackobi just stared at it ... she wasn't quite sure what to think! Anyways, hopefully it doesn't snow again until Christmas time!
Glad you had fun and made it home safely despite all the snow. Can't wait to see the shelf!
I can't believe they got that much snow! I am just glad we hardly got any. Did you get any snow where you live?
we'd heard they got a ton of snow! We got some here, but not nearly that much!
Cal! I know I am a loser because I don't blog anymore. Looks like you guys are having such a blast and loving Idaho. Elisa is so cute and getting so big! I will check in from time to time and keep you posted. Things are great, kids are great. See you guys!
That is a crazy picture Callie. I miss you guys so much! Elisa looks like she keeps you on your toes. She looks like a very happy and content little girl.
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