Saturday, July 26, 2008
Crazy Fun Week
This week has been busy I feel like it has flown by. Monday was are anniversary it was so fun and brody suprised me with flowers and He also gave me the bed spread that I have been wanting! that was exciting Tuesday we were off to the Zoo Elisa's very first trip she had fun I will post pictures later because are computer has officially died. Wednesday I got to do a little bit of hair and that was fun for me since it has been awhile. Thursday we went to the lake were elisa enjoyed playing and eating the sand she also just loves that water it is crazy because it is not that warm! Tuesday Elisa and I are of to Provo for Aunt Tami and Cousin Corrines Weddings so I am sure there be lots of pictures. We also get to stay with my sister for a few days and are really looking forward to that!
Monday, July 21, 2008
2 Years and Going Strong
Today Brody and I have offically been married for two years! I love brody so much and can't imagine my life with out him. I am pretty sure that I met brody so that he could loosen me up a bit I can be very uptight and times but brody would dance in the middle of the airport if I would let him. I think he tries to embarres me and that is why I love him! There have been many eventful times in are marriage all which I will always cherish even if I spent part of my honeymoon with the inlaws its a good thing I like them! haha! Tonight are friends are going to watch elisa that we can go out together!
Sunday, July 20, 2008

this past weekend we went camping with are friends Jeff and Holly. IT was are first camping experiance with a baby! She loved it she would have played in the dirt all day if we didn't have to leave. Friday night everyone froze but brody and I we have really warm sleeping bags so we can't ever figure out why other people freeze when we camp. Last night we went downtown to check out cruise night everyone drives there fixed up old cars up and down the main street here in town and then they have a fifties band it was fun. Then we went back to Jeff and Hollys and played games we have had a fun and busy weekend and can't wait to go camping again we are thinking redfish lake if anyone else would like to Join us!
I took this from my friends jess's blog. I thought it was a cute idea. Play along if you'd like to..1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together(Jess or Spencer). It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Are friend let us Borrow this Jumperoo for Elisa today when i put her in there she was just going crazy I got her at the end of her Jumping!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The week
This week has been crazy since we moved and then left for utah the next day I spent this whole week unpacking and trying to get the house ready for my parents to come visit this weekend. Elisa is starting to adjust a little ever since we moved she won't let me leave the room without her screaming bloody murder so it hasn't been easy but she is finally realizing that she can follow me anywhere I go!
Also this week elisa started to wave it was so funny we were grocery shopping one morning at albertsons and these old ladys started talking to her and she justed waved at them and ever since she won't stop today I was getting a temple recomend interview from the stake president and she proceded to wave at him the whole time until he waved back!
We love are new house and my parents came this weekend and my mom helped me do some decorating which I was so grateful for because she always has good ideas we spent most of saturday at the mall shopping since it is my mom addiction elisa loves them I was suprised since lately she has been quite attached to us but maybe it is because she knows they will spoil her if she is nice to them! live has been busy and fun this next weekend we are looking forward to going camping with some friends!
Also this week elisa started to wave it was so funny we were grocery shopping one morning at albertsons and these old ladys started talking to her and she justed waved at them and ever since she won't stop today I was getting a temple recomend interview from the stake president and she proceded to wave at him the whole time until he waved back!
We love are new house and my parents came this weekend and my mom helped me do some decorating which I was so grateful for because she always has good ideas we spent most of saturday at the mall shopping since it is my mom addiction elisa loves them I was suprised since lately she has been quite attached to us but maybe it is because she knows they will spoil her if she is nice to them! live has been busy and fun this next weekend we are looking forward to going camping with some friends!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
4th of July
We went to provo for the 4th of julyHere are a few pictures we had a good time. Elisa and I went to the parade with aunt tami we did a little swimming and spent good quality time with lots of family!
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