Sunday, March 15, 2009

playing the Wii

The Other night Brody was playing the Wii, Elisa loves to Sit on his lap and Pretend she is playing to! Apparently she was really Tired because All of a sudden I see her head fall forward and she started snoring! We didn't hear another Peep out of her til the next morning!


sjhalford said...

That's too cute! I love the wii! We have such a blast playing it!

Amber said...

Awe... how cute is that?!! Looks like dad was having fun though!

Unknown said...

How precious! That's a picture to scrapbook...

Holly said...

That's so funny, maybe she'll fall asleep like that every night!

Campbell Family said...

How glad she stayed asleep in the transfer to her bed! Thats fun that she gets to play the wii with Brody!

Holly said...

Do you not notice the large bulge in my stomach area? And no, it's not because I ate too much alfredo last night:) I do look pregs and I FEEL IT! But at least I'm not barfing my guts out anymore...
And yes, I hopped your kid up on sugar; Mountain Dew in her bottle mixed with Pixie Sticks. Just kidding, I thought for sure she'd fall asleep on the drive home, she was about asleep in the high chair at lunch!