Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Friendship Dinner

When Brody and I moved to Emmett We got called to be in charge of the friendship dinner. What is this you may ask? Well all the churches in Emmett take turns cooking for about 200 needy families. Yesterday was our first time to do it are ward in paired with the Presbitarian church (I don't know how to spell that). This was a very good experiance for me brody wasn't able to help because he is at work during the preperation and most of the serving. It was a good experiance to work with other religions and also to help people that really need it. I can't say I had the best attitude about cooking for 200 people in the begining but the ladys in are ward helped out. When people would come through the line they would tell us that it was the only meal that they would eat all week and there children would actually be full afterwards. It made me feel so blessed to have what I have life definatly isn't perfect but I have what I need and am well taken care of. I was a little bit sad to know that brody and i are moving to a different ward and I won't get the chance to do it again. Then again it a relief it was a very big undertaking and if it wasn't for a great friend taking Elisa all afternoon there is no way I would have been able to do it.


Holly said...

That sounds like such a great experience, Callie! It really makes me think about all of the blessings I take for granted daily.
I talked to Diane about the windows and she said she got rid of the ones she's not using and the others she is saving for Christmas gifts but if she finds anymore she'll let me know!

sjhalford said...

You are such a good person and what a cool experience. When are you moving?

Kimberly said...

Wow Callie, that's a great experience!! I don't blame you for not wanting to cook for 200 people, but it's great that you pulled something really positive from the experience!