Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Licking The Bowl

My mom made this hat for Elisa it is so cute!
The other day I made brownies and Elisa helped Brody lick the the she was so funny if he would stop giving it to her she would just start screaming! She had it everywhere I wasn't to thrilled when the chocolate wouldn't come out of her clothes! I don't know if I will ever have another child that likes to eat as much as she does! I think she would eat all day if I would let her!


sjhalford said...

Smart girl to lick the bowl! That's the best part. She is way cute! I think she needs a puppy:)

Holly said...

I know exactly how you feel, especially with my two boys. The other night I told Ethan that he and Kamden need to get jobs so they can buy their own food, I don't even want to think about how expensive it will be to buy groceries when they are teenagers!

Kimberly said...

She's so cute Callie!! I love the chocolate face -- very adorable!