Sunday, June 1, 2008

Some fun weekend

This weekend has not been to busy. Friday brody and I found a house and put an offer in on it we hope all goes well with it because we love it and feel really good about it. It is a foreclosure so we realize that it may be a long process but in the end we will be getting a really great deal on a house! Pictures will come soon I am sure i have some but they aren't the greatest! Saturday we just spent the day together as a family we did yard work and such then last night I was extremly bored so brody and I went for a drive and found ourselves in Eagle we have never driven downtown eagle it is such a cute little town I feel in love with it. It has darling shops that I plan on going back and walking through soon. Today has been a nice relaxing sunday we are looking forward to seeing Papa Erwin tomorrow night. Also we are looking forward to supporting the relay for life again this coming weekend.


sjhalford said...

I am glad you had a fun weekend. Yeah, let me know when you come down. We should go do something fun! I hope you guys have a lot of fun at the Relay for Life!

Stephanie said...

Callie that sound so much fun! I hope your feeling better!

jen said...

Your life is boring? You have a child, no gallbladder, and an offer in on a house. You rock!

Holly said...

I thought you guys decided to stay home this weekend? Wish we had a bigger car and we could carpool! Good luck on the house, I hope everything goes well and doesn't take too long so you don't spend the summer with out a/c. Let me know when you want to go walk through Eagle, we'd love to do that! We're going to go on a walk in a bit so we'll call you.

Kimberly said...

I'm glad you found a house that you like!! I'll cross my fingers that you'll be moving in soon! Can't wait to see pictures!

Holly said...

We walked over to your house tonight but you guys were gone :( it seems like forever since we've seen you guys. Lunch Bunch is this Wednesday at 11:30 at the park unless it's raining, which is in the forecast. Bring a lunch if you come!

Unknown said...

hey callie you live near eagle Idaho? good luck on the house we have had ours for 3-4 months now and only a few leaks in the basement and a few other things but it has been good

This is Dallas by the way